Category Archives: JMS

Token-based Authentication Plugin for ActiveMQ

This post is a part of ActiveMQ Custom Security Plugins series.


Similarly to how we did in case of the IP-based Authentication Plugin for ActiveMQ, in order to limit the connectivity to the ActiveMQ server based on Token (assuming the connecting client, eg. a browser through a JavaScript over STOMP protocol) is providing such token when trying to establish a connection with the broker), we’ll need to override the addConnection() method of the BrokerFilter.class.


For the purpose of this example, i’ll be using Redis as the data store against which i’ll be checking the Tokens of connecting clients; to make a decision whether a client is allowed to establish a connection with the broker (Token exists in Redis) or not (otherwise). To hit Redis from Java i’ll be using the Jedis driver.


Step1: Implementation of the plugin logic:

import org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionInfo;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import java.util.Map;

public class TokenAuthenticationBroker extends BrokerFilter {

  private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
  public final static String REDIS_KEY = "authentication:activemq:tokens";

  Map<String, String> redisConfig;

  public TokenAuthenticationBroker(Broker next, Map<String, String> redisConfig) {
    this.redisConfig = redisConfig;

  public void addConnection(ConnectionContext context, ConnectionInfo info) throws Exception {
    String host = redisConfig.get("host");
    int port = Integer.parseInt(redisConfig.get("port"));

    logger.debug("Establishing Redis connection using [host={}, port={}] ", host, port);
    Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);

    String token = context.getUserName();

    logger.debug("Querying Redis using [key={}, token={}] ", REDIS_KEY, token);
    String response = jedis.hget(REDIS_KEY, token);

    if(response == null) {
      throw new SecurityException("Token not not found in the data store");
    } else {
      logger.debug("Found token [{}] belonging to user: {}. Allowing connection", token, response);
    super.addConnection(context, info);


As you can see in the example above, the token provided by the connecting client can be read in ActiveMQ directly from the context (by using the getUserName() method; assuming the client is sending the token as a query parameter named “username”). Having the token, next thing we need to do is to query the Redis store (under the REDIS_KEY) and check whether the token exists (hget() method invoked on jedis object/driver). Depending on the value of response, we’re making the decision whether to addConnection() or throw an SecurityException.


Also, after the actual plug-in logic has been implemented, the plug-in must be configured and installed. For this purpose, we need an implementation of the BrokerPlugin.class, which is used to expose the configuration of a plug-in and to install the plug-in into the ActiveMQ broker.


Step2: Implementation of the plugin “installer”:

import java.util.Map;

public class TokenAuthenticationPlugin implements BrokerPlugin {

  Map<String, String> redisConfig;

  public Broker installPlugin(Broker broker) throws Exception {
    return new TokenAuthenticationBroker(broker, redisConfig);

  public Map<String, String> getRedisConfig() {
    return redisConfig;

  public void setRedisConfig(Map<String, String> redisConfig) {
    this.redisConfig = redisConfig;


The installPlugin() method above is used to instantiate the plug-in and return a new intercepted broker for the next plug-in in the chain. The TokenAuthenticationPlugin.class also contains getter and setter methods used to configure the TokenAuthenticationBroker. These setter and getter methods are available via a Spring beans–style XML configuration in the ActiveMQ XML configuration file (example below).


Step3: Configuring the plugin in activemq.xml:

// "/apache-activemq/conf/activemq.xml"
<broker brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="${activemq.base}/data" xmlns="">
    <bean id="tokenAuthenticationPlugin" class="com.mycompany.mysystem.activemq.TokenAuthenticationPlugin" xmlns="">
      <property name="redisConfig">
          <entry key="host" value="localhost" />
          <entry key="port" value="6379" />


That’s all there is to it 🙂


Happy Coding!




IP-based Authentication Plugin for ActiveMQ

To limit the connectivity to the ActiveMQ server based on IP address, we’ll need to override the addConnection() method of the BrokerFilter.class, mentioned in my initial post on ActiveMQ Custom Security Plugins.


Example implementation (from the book “ActiveMQ in Action”):

import org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionInfo;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class IPAuthenticationBroker extends BrokerFilter {

  List<String> allowedIPAddresses;
  Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^/([0-9\\.]*):(.*)");

  public IPAuthenticationBroker(Broker next, List<String> allowedIPAddresses) {
    this.allowedIPAddresses = allowedIPAddresses;

  public void addConnection(ConnectionContext context, ConnectionInfo info) throws Exception {
    String remoteAddress = context.getConnection().getRemoteAddress();
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(remoteAddress);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
      String ip =;
        if (!allowedIPAddresses.contains(ip)) {
          throw new SecurityException("Connecting from IP address " + ip + " is not allowed" );
    } else {
      throw new SecurityException("Invalid remote address " + remoteAddress);
    super.addConnection(context, info);

As you can see, the implementation above performs a simple check of the IP address using a regular expression to determine the ability to connect. If that IP address is allowed to connect, the call is delegated to the BrokerFilter.addConnection() method. If that IP address isn’t allowed to connect, an exception is thrown.


After the actual plug-in logic has been implemented, the plug-in must be configured and installed. For this purpose, we need an implementation of the BrokerPlugin.class, which is used to expose the configuration of a plug-in and to install the plug-in into the ActiveMQ broker.


import java.util.List;

public class IPAuthenticationPlugin implements BrokerPlugin {

  List<String> allowedIPAddresses;

  public Broker installPlugin(Broker broker) throws Exception {
    return new IPAuthenticationBroker(broker, allowedIPAddresses);

  public List<String> getAllowedIPAddresses() {
    return allowedIPAddresses;

  public void setAllowedIPAddresses(List<String> allowedIPAddresses) {
    this.allowedIPAddresses = allowedIPAddresses;

The installPlugin() method above is used to instantiate the plug-in and return a new intercepted broker for the next plug-in in the chain. The IPAuthenticationPlugin.class also contains getter and setter methods used to configure the IPAuthenticationBroker. These setter and getter methods are available via a Spring beans–style XML configuration in the ActiveMQ XML configuration file (example below).


// "\apache-activemq\conf\activemq.xml"
<broker brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="${activemq.base}/data" xmlns="">
    <bean id="ipAuthenticationPlugin" class="com.mycompany.mysystem.activemq.IPAuthenticationPlugin" xmlns="">
      <property name="allowedIPAddresses">

To summarize, creating custom security plugins using ActiveMQ plugin API, consists of following three steps:

  1. Implementing the plugin logic (overriding methods of the BrokerFilter.class – first code snippet above)
  2. Coding the plugin “installer” (implementing the BrokerPlugin.class – second code snippet)
  3. Configuring the plugin in activemq.xml file (Spring beans-style XML – third code snippet)


Happy coding!




ActiveMQ Custom Security Plugins

With this post i’m starting a short series of articles on creating custom security plugin’s for ActiveMQ server (probably the most flexible MOM/messaging solution around; imho).


To get a quick overview of how powerful ActiveMQ plugin API really is, let’s start with some basic background information:

  • The flexibility of ActiveMQ plugin API comes from the BrokerFilter class
  • BrokerFilter class provides the ability to intercept many of the available broker-level operations, such as:
    • adding consumers to the broker
    • adding producers to the broker
    • committing transactions in the broker
    • adding connections to the broker
    • removing connections from the broker
  • Custom functionality can be added by extending the BrokerFilter class and overriding a method for a given operation


Using the ActiveMQ plugins API is one way to approach broker security; used often for requirements (security, among others) that can’t be met using either:

  • ActiveMQ’s native Simple Authentication Plugin (which handles credentials directly in XML configuration file or in a properties file)
  • JAAS-based pluggable security modules (JAAS stands for Java Authentication and Authorization Service). What is worth mention is that ActiveMQ comes with JAAS-based implementations of some modules that can authenticate users using properties files, LDAP, and SSL certificates; which will be enough for many use cases.


OK, having said the above, let’s move on and study following example implementations:


